We enjoyed visiting with Joan and learning about her involvement and passion with her Quarter Horses.
Share your foundation in the equine industry
Growing up in Massachusetts, my aunt who lived next door had a pasture horse. I was told if I could catch it, I could ride it (never happened!). When we moved to Illinois, I started taking riding lessons at age 9 and then weekly Trail riding – renting the same horse every weekend. My dad finally decided it was cheaper to buy the horse – so we did. Board was $30 a month! I started showing at age 12 at open shows, followed by some Quarter Horse shows as a youth and then spent many years showing Paints. I came back to Quarter Horse shows in 2004.
Share your passion and purpose for involvement in the equine community
I’ve always loved horses and once I got my own and started showing, it was in my blood as they say. I think the longest I’ve gone without owning a horse since I was 12 years old was 3 months! Horses are a major part of my life!
Where do you see the future?
I want to continue to show as long as I can. I would especially like for my last horse to be a top notch Western Pleasure horse!
What is something that most people in the horse industry do not know about you?
I was born in Fall River, Massachusetts, the home of the infamous Lizzie Borden. If you don’t know who she is, google it!!
Who are your biggest mentors in the horse industry?
I would have to say my current trainer, Jeff Greaves. I’ve been with him since 2009 and he has always been someone I can trust. Thanks to him I had the confidence to show Good Bars R Special (aka Wreck-it Ralph) to 6th place in the Select Amateur Level 1 Western Pleasure in 2021. I also have to include all of my barn friends and family – without their support and comradery, showing wouldn’t be as fun.
Favorite part of the Equine Industry?
Showing. If I’m not showing myself, I’m watching. You can learn so much watching others ride and show. And I’m now hooked on going to the Congress for 8-10 days every year!
When you are not around horses, how do you like to spend your free time?
My husband Bill and I moved to the country in 2018 when we retired. We live in a Riverbend Timber Frame home built in 2004 that I’ve filled with antiques and crafts! I enjoy watching the wildlife (after a couple years of getting used to them) and all of the peace and quiet country living provides. The view out the back of our house is breathtaking – except for corn years! Every spring I look forward to all the new calves at our neighbor’s farms. We also have two German Shorthaired Pointers (Jackson and Cooper) that go to all the shows with us.
Thanks for sharing! What is next?
I recently purchased an 8 year old Machine Made gelding that I plan to show in Horsemanship and Showmanship (I haven’t used those skills consistently for several years so kind of a project/challenge for me!). At some point showing Trail is also on my bucket list.